Establishing a positive mind-set that prevents using drugs and Alcohol before one starts.
Help students and others identify the power that they have over their own destiny with the power of their own choices.
Identifying one’s thoughts, feelings, and strengths, and recognizing how they influence one’s choices and actions.
Identifying and understanding the thoughts and feelings of others, respecting their rights, and appreciating diversity.
Establishing and working toward short- and long-term goals, and handling emotions so that they facilitate rather than interfere with the task at hand.
Generating, implementing, and evaluating positive and informed solutions to problems, and assuming responsibility for personal decisions and behaviors.
Communication, listening, and negotiation skills to establish and maintain healthy and rewarding connections with individuals and groups.
Helping to identify the early stages of bullying and what steps to take from all points of view.
Developing empathy and taking the perspective of others. Handling emotions, setting goals, and dealing with obstacles